The best honey for the vision - lime. Linden honey is universal. It fits everyone, and it is virtually no allergy.
Before starting honey procedures you can check whether honey will or not cause you irritation. For this, put a small amount of honey on the skin of the neck of your ear. And leave for 10-15 minutes. If, within 15-20 minutes, you do not feel any itching and irritation there, then everything is fine. This honey, you can use. If the honey caused some annoyance, it’s not suitable for you. You should take the flower or haw honey. So you can check the entire honey and find the right for you .
It’s very useful for women to drink honey every morning on an empty stomach. How to do this?
In the mouth should be the natural micro flora. Therefore, in the morning you shouldn’t even swish. For 10-15 minutes before cleaning the teeth slowly resolve a tablespoon of linden honey.
The same procedure can be done immediately before bedtime. Take a tablespoon linden honey and in small portions slowly-slowly eat it.
This procedure – a good eye disease prevention. It strengthens the vascular wall, improves eyesight. Drink honey for two weeks. Then take a break for two weeks. Usually, the result of two or three courses remains six months.
When the pain in the eyes, cataracts, leukemia or different inflammatory processes in the eyes, a drops of honey will help you. The honey membrane, which relaxes muscles eye and they never tire. This recipe is suitable for people whose work involves the constant eye strain. It can be a work on the computer or such, which is connected with reading and writing.
How to prepare the drops? Take a liquid natural honey, which have not yet crystallized and clean spring or well water, but not from the tap or boiled water. One drop of liquid honey mix with 10 drops of water (1:10).
Mix it and drop to the eye once per day every morning. This will help protect the eyes from fatigue throughout the day. The procedure lasts two weeks, than make a break.
For children.
The honey has no contraindications for use. It can be given to children with 3-4 months. To do this, honey nipples cuticles and give a child.